Tank Zombies 3D

Tank Zombies 3D
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Tank Undead 3D is an action-packed shooter where you must defend your tank from waves of zombies. Zombies with an appetite for brains have overrun the city. A future not too far off where zombies are everywhere. Get ready for the battle field because it's time to wipe off the bad zombies.

How to play

You are the last living person in a world overrun by a horde of vicious zombies. Up to a certain extent, you will be safe within your tank. There won't be much damage done by an attack from these zombies. Nevertheless, they are easily and quickly destroyed by gunfire. You should now believe in your abilities and fearlessly navigate the battle. Those who made it out had only a few tanks left as their only means of defense. Only you can make it through this swarm of zombies and save humanity.

Any zombies it detects would be attacked immediately by your tank. Within the safety perimeter, zombies can attack you, and you can defend oneself with gunfire. Kill as many zombies as can before encountering the harder boss opponents later in the game. Be sure to gather any rewards you receive for eliminating zombies. Utilize the available enhancements by choosing them from the Bullet, Life, UAV, and Army buttons on the main page. Spend your hard-earned money on these to upgrade your combat experience.

Tank Zombies 3D is only one of several free and online zombie games we have available.